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Hope all is well with you. Just wanted to check in and let you know that Albus is doing great!! We LOVE him so much!! I've attached a pic of he and my daughter taken the other day. He is so awesome and cute and lovable - I could go on and on. And the attention he gets when I take him for walks or to my daughter's school...oh my goodness. He is like a little celebrity. He loves everyone (well except for the big poodle next door - we are working on them becoming friends :) )


Anyway, take care and hope to hear from you soon... Rachel

   Coton de Tulear Breeder in Wa . Coton de Tulear Puppies  . Coton de Tulear breeder PNW. Coton de Tulears for Sale 

Want to Adopt a Puppy?

At A Breed Apart Coton de Tulears in Spokane Wa, we are dedicated to our dogs and the families that love them.  Have you read through our site and feel our breed is perfect for your family?  By filling out our adoption application, you not only join our waiting list but also become a part of our mission to find loving homes for our dogs. Your application is a valuable step in this process!

Daily Scoop

Want to keep up with the goings-on of our breeding program and the dogs we love?

Check out the News Page!

Working Hours

We love to talk about our dogs!  If you would like to schedule a phone appointment, or want to drop us a line, and we can pencil you in!

M-F 10am-6pm

Closed holidays and weekends


© ABA COTONS 2024 - All rights reserved. 

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